Liquid Decisions

A robust platform that integrates orders, goals, product and account info, inventory, insights and media for unified usability across your organization. Harnessing the most relevant and cutting edge technologies to help your business thrive.  

Our platform offers a complete suite of cloud services that allows distributors, across industries, to address market disruptions head on. The first platform powered by Artificial Intelligence to provide the business with data-driven sales insights and predictive recommendations to provide your consumers with the best buying experience. 

Ensure market share growth by employing the most relevant new technology in a complete platform.

  • Retailers benefit by stocking and selling tailored products for their customer base.

  • Suppliers benefit by having their incentives achieved faster.

  • Distributors benefit by spending more time on market execution versus IT configuration.

Everybody benefits with insights that reduce friction in the distribution workflow.

Machine Learning Algorithms 

  • Understand local consumer preferences and buying patterns to provide products that consumers want.

  • Intelligently distribute supplier goals all the way down to the store and consumer level.

Open APIs

  • With a full range of open and testable APIs, connections to more channels and backend systems are expedited. Ordering, goals, product information, inventory, and media enable seamless exchange of information between supplier, distributor, and retailer. Products move faster, consumer adoption rates increase and buying cycles are accelerated.

Internet of Things

  • Track products in real-time and manage placement interactions in one centralized environment.

Seamless Integration

  • Our open platform integrates with virtually every application and into any system, allowing you to send and receive information from your entire data architecture in real-time.