Use AI to reinvent your eCommerce with our Visual Recommendation Engine
For Retail and eCommerce.
A B2B client wanted to increase brand awareness with end customers by providing a B2C sales channel.
Decrease sales cycles in order to reduce the cost of sales.
Improve brand awareness with end customers.
Drive top line revenue growth.
Boost online customer engagement and brand loyalty.
Implement augmented reality (AR) to visualize a customer’s room and place our client’s products within that room (couches, tables, lamps, etc.).
Utilize deep learning neural networks to automatically classify the surfaces in a room (floor, countertops, walls, etc.).
Create deep learning networks that use consumer social media profiles, games, application usage, and geolocation to provide a list of recommended products.
Combine supervised learning with unsupervised learning to train AI algorithms to classify room scenes.
Intangible Benefits
Reduce buying paralysis by recommending a select group of products.
Disrupt and differentiate from competitors by offering visualization technologies that create stickiness with consumers.
Improve sales experience for consumers within retail stores.
Increase brand awareness among consumers.
Tangible Benefits
Increase new leads for eCommerce and online channels.
Increase conversion of leads to orders.
Reduce costs related with sales.
Cut product returns.